Gloria Dwomoh

Gloria Dwomoh is an aspiring technologist and a soon to be computer systems engineering grad. Previously she has also been an intern at Mozilla, Microsoft, Google. Currently she is part of the Mozilla Tech Speakers program and has done several contributions to the open source world.

Accepted Talks:

Creating Inclusive Teams in Tech

In order to retain talent in teams one important thing that has to exist is the feeling of belonging, and that can manifest itself through creating an inclusive atmosphere at work. The world is evolving into a global village. Various tools and products enable collaboration with people across the world, especially when working with international online communities like that of Debian. While this is a great thing that we should consider a blessing, the associated exchange of diverse ideas comes with some challenges. Join me to find out some of the key skills that could transform your team into a more inclusive place.

Audience - Everyone and all skill levels as long as there is a basic understanding of technical terms.

What will they get out of it? - An understanding of some very important skills needed to create/lead more inclusive teams and communities in tech.