Accepted Talks:

Autodeb: Automatic Packages for Everything

Many packaging tasks can be automated, and are likely to succeed without any human intervention:

  • creating a backport for Debian stable from a packaging in Debian testing
  • upgrading a package to a newer upstream version
  • packaging a simple Perl, Python or Ruby using one of the tools listed on AutomaticPackagingTools

However, doing those tasks still require Debian packaging knowledge.

As a step towards Debian’s world domination, it would be great if we could automate those tasks and provide ready-to-use Debian packages, so that users are left with a deb-based alternative when there are no packages for their needs in Debian itself, instead of using upstream packages or building from source.

Autodeb is a project that tries to automatically create and distribute package updates and backports.

This talk will present the current status of the projects, statistics, and takeaways.

Debian Go Packaging Team BoF

BoF for the Debian Go Packaing Team.

As discussed on the team’s mailing list here.

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