Visiting Hsinchu

The nearest international airport to Hsinchu is Taoyuan International Airport (TPE).

See the wiki for the recommended public transportation route to the venue.

Alternatively, for about 1,500 NTD (approx. € 40), you could use a taxi, or a car pooling app. Some apps in use are: Uber (Google Play), DiDi (滴滴出行) (Google Play), FindTaxi (呼叫小黃) (Google Play), and 台灣大車隊 (phone: 55688, Google Play, not translated).


Please refer to the visa information webpage from MeetTaiwan to see if you need a visa or equivalent to visit Taiwan.

For authoritative information, please visit BOCA FAQs for visa-exempt entry, and visa application form for visa applications, and the list of countries whose citizens are eligible to apply for an eVisa.

If you cannot apply for an eVisa, due to your country of residence, we can help by issuing a Flexible Mechanism eCode, or an invitation letter. Please email the visa team: with your details.

Please bring a printout of your eVisa and registration confirmation email, for customs examination.

Entry Permit (入台證) from Mainland China Residents

You can try applying for 大陆居民赴台个人游 (lit: Individual Travel Entry Permit of Residents in Mainland China) first. See the information from National Immigration Agency for details.

If your city of residence does not have this, or the application fails, please email the visa team for an invitation letter.