使用 OpenType 實現注音符號在數位環境的排版顯示 Implement Bopomofo Layout with OpenType feature

Speaker: Bobby Tung

Track: Other

Type: Long talk (45 minutes)


Room: Xueshan (雪山) Live Stream

Time: Jul 28 (Sat), 14:30

Duration: 0:50


This speech is about i18n. Bopomofo (Zhuyin Fuhao) is a phonetic system for Mandarin only used in Taiwan. It's layout is complex for web and information systems. In past five years, I participated W3C standardization activities to bring this issue from an annotation on W3C spec to finalize HTML ruby markup and push CSS spec to be implied by browsers. Tone mark position is the last step and we tried OpenType font feature as solution. I'll describe the process for standardization and problems and experience.